Getting to the heart of why people engage

Culture Segments is a psychographic segmentation system clustering people based on their deep-seated values towards arts and culture. These values frame a person’s attitudes, lifestyle choices and ultimately, cultural consumption.

Culture Segments gives you real insight into what motivates your audience and the tools to not only predict but influence future behavior; perhaps to visit for the first time, attend more frequently, or even donate to your cause. Through Culture Segments, you can grow audiences, encourage repeat attendance, and develop long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships.

There are eight Culture Segments, each centring around a set of shared values. The segments are named to reflect the kind of experiences they value from culture.

Culture Segment profile in Saudi Arabia


Release are looking for escape and to unwind from the stresses of everyday life. They can feel a under siege from different pressures on their time. These conflicts may be reality, but often it is the feeling of being time-poor rather than the actual reality of not having any time. They’d like to do more, but it isn’t always easy.

22% of Saudi population


Expression are open and full of enthusiasm with varied and eclectic tastes. They enjoy activities that help them connect with and share experiences with others. They like to be sure that everyone is welcome to join in and enjoy things, and as such put a high price on inclusivity.

21% of Saudi population


Perspective are very self-sufficient and don’t rely on others for fulfilment. They prefer to make their own discoveries and are happy doing their own thing, driven by their own agenda. They focus on one or two existing interests they find satisfying and rewarding and have a low appetite for expanding this repertoire.

14% of Saudi population


Stimulation are an active group who love adventure and live for the moment. They seek out new experiences to live a varied life and keep ahead of the curve. They are all about big ideas and are looking for something ‘out of the ordinary’. But they also attend cultural events for the social experience.

10٪ من سكان المملكة


Enrichment tend to be lovers of history – things that have stood the test of time command their respect. They know what they’ll enjoy, are independently minded and exert their right to be cautious. It’s not that new things hold no worth, but Enrichment will look for the thread that links them to what went before.

12% of Saudi population


Affirmation make measured decisions, seeking endorsement before making choices. One of many leisure choices, they embrace culture as important and worthwhile part of their commitment to personal wellbeing. They recognize opportunity for self-improvement as well as quality time with others.

8% of Saudi population


Entertainment see culture as on the periphery of their lives. Their occasional visits are likely to be for mainstream events or days out. Leisure time is for fun, entertainment and escapism. If they do attend, it will be socially motivated. Their engagement is typically the lowest of all segments.

8% of Saudi population


Essence consider the arts and culture essential to their very being. They’re confident and knowledgeable and look for deeply emotional connections. High-quality culture is their primary concern and they veer away from the mainstream, considering it unsophisticated.

5% of Saudi population

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MHM: the Gulf’s arts, culture and heritage audience specialists

Research and expertise from the smallest exhibition to the biggest national project in Saudi Arabia.

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Audience Atlas Saudi Arabia

MHM undertook a new comprehensive study of cultural engagement in our Audience Atlas Saudi Arabia.

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Culture Segments TagTool

A clever, automated web app that allows you to use Culture Segments insight across your organisation, every day.

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