Culture Segments can be used in any scenario where your current or future audience is in contact with your offer. The segments give you almost limitless scope to make decisions with renewed confidence and maximise your return on investment. Culture Segments are practical and easy to apply. In fact, the hardest part may be choosing where in your organisation you should try it first.

Copywriting campaigns

Marketing teams often make the mistake of writing copy for themselves, but what sounds brilliant to you may not quite be hitting the mark with your audience.

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Marketing campaigns

Where to start when creating a marketing campaign, be it to unlock a brand new audience of atypical visitors or to deepen engagement with your existing audiences?

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Exhibition planning

Culture Segments enables you to strategically dial up or dial down content, interactives or interpretation to hit the right notes with your target audience.

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Digital engagement

While the message is more important than the platform, it’s important to know what content your audience is seeking, and why might they be visiting your website/social media.

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Visitor experience

If you only adapt your promotional material for the Culture Segments and don’t embed the approach within your organisational culture, you’re shortchanging your audiences and yourselves.

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Front of house

Ensure audience-facing staff are given insights that other departments benefit from to enable critical common language between planners, programmers, marketers, front-of-house and catering.

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Whether you’re thinking of opening a new retail space or improving your current operation, Culture Segments can help maximise income and build stronger brand relationships.

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Membership marketing

Understanding the different needs and drivers allows you to deepen loyalty and create a connected, seamless relationship journey that starts with membership but ends with deeper engagement.

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