Culture Segments insights for every department

There’s a story often told about President John F Kennedy’s first visit to NASA headquarters in 1961.  While touring the facility, Kennedy introduced himself to a janitor who was mopping the floor. He asked him what he did at NASA and the janitor replied ‘I’m helping put a man on the moon’.

We all have different roles to play, but our collective role is welcoming our guests and shaping an amazing experience and everyone’s contribution is equally important.

This session ensures that all those audience-facing staff who do such fantastic and crucial jobs are given the insights that other departments benefit from so they can be paying attention to the needs of your priority segments every step of the way.

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    Interested in setting up your own Culture Segments Curriculum session? Please get in touch using this form and a member of our team will be happy to arrange it with you.

    Digital engagement

    This session will show you how to optimise each segments' experience of your online offer.

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    Copywriting for the segments

    This session will provide you essential tips and tricks for creating compelling copy that speaks to each of your target segments effectively.

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    Membership marketing for the segments

    Learn how to tailor your membership packages and communications to build engagement and loyalty among your target segments.

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