In November 2021 we published the latest insights from our large-scale study of New York audiences: Audience Atlas.
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Uniquely, Audience Atlas looks at the whole arts market for the New York metropolitan area, including those who aren’t yet cultural attenders but could be persuaded to do so.
This is rare and valuable data for any NYC arts or cultural organization trying to expand its audience beyond those already on its mailing list.
This has not been an ordinary year for arts organizations. The pandemic has brought audience engagement practices into sharp focus and challenged many assumptions. For this report, we focus on three priorities in audience development:
Our sample is fully representative of New York’s demographic make-up so we’ll be offering high grade intel into which ages and ethnic groups have the greatest potential for market growth.
We have detailed information on which art forms they are most likely to engage with and what individual institutions can do to grow trust and loyalty with target audiences.
We look at who within the market has engaged with digital offers, and what forms. We also explore the potential for income generation out of paid-for content, and how to attract it.
Crucially, we will offer some sound advice on how to plan your future digital investment.
Over a third of the NY culture market say they donated to a cultural institution during the pandemic. We’ve looked in-depth into their reasons for doing so, and examined their propensity to continue to support as pandemic restrictions ease.
Insights from our 2021 large-scale study of New York audiences: Audience Atlas. This is valuable data for any NYC arts or cultural organization trying to expand its audience beyond those already on its mailing list.