In each newsletter, we’ll focus on one of the Culture Segments and their connection to nature and wildlife. This month, we’re looking at Affirmation and how to connect them more deeply with your work, whether you’re a wildlife attraction, nature reserve, or other cultural or heritage organisation with a renewed focus on ecology.
Overall, Affirmation people are perhaps the most conscientious of the segments, and are likely to have made a deliberate decision to embrace more nature, and support environmental causes. Here’s how to engage them:
This segment display very average levels of emotional connection to nature. Decision-making for them tends to be based on conscientiousness rather than a deep seated spiritual calling. Appealing to Affirmation’s sense of duty will be more powerful than emotive and sentimental messaging.
Affirmation have a very high sense of environmental threat and don’t need the messages of doom and gloom – they already know we’re heading for disaster. Rather than this being a driving force for action and collaboration, they tend towards feeling paralysed by their concern. Show clearly what you’re doing to help, and how you’re working with others to find solutions to environmental crises.
Affirmation are unlikely to be the driving force behind things, but they seek belonging and are committed members. They may initially join a membership to gain personal benefits, but, as a segment looking for ways to feel good about themselves, a membership card fosters a sense of affiliation.
No amount of information is too much information for Affirmation. They like to plan their time and knowing details upfront helps them understand how to do this best.
This keenness to spend time wisely also means that Affirmation can be risk-averse: they’re concerned about getting it wrong. Affirmation will carry out extensive research on which nature experiences and offers to visit, looking for reviews and to hear about the experiences of others.